Victory Etch® is the user friendly, low pH metal etch to get bright colors on your titanium. Removes titanium & niobium anodizing mistakes. Can be used to lightly etch mokume gane containing copper and brass. Will remove light fire scale from sterling. Contains NO dangerous Hydrofluoric or Nitric Acids! Designed to be used warm, our Easy Heat Bath Kit makes the task simple and quick, giving you warm etch in about 5 minutes. If you're used to heating your etch to a higher temp, Victory Etch is concentrated so you can dilute up to twice the recommended amount of distilled water--that's twice the amount of etch for an already low cost!
Shipped dry in a powder form in several sizes so you get just the amount you need. Just add distilled or RO water to hydrate. See instructions for full safety, mixing and usage requirements. **NOTE: We recommend hydrating the etch when you receive it and letting it sit for 3 days minimum before using to get the best results when etching.
Shipped only within the lower 48 states via UPS ground.
Gallon $50.00
Half Gallon $32.00
Quart $19.00
Bag (Gallon Refill)
1-19 units $50.00
20-49 units $48.00
50-99 units $45.00
100+ units $43.00

From Noël Yovovich on the Victory Etch and Easy Heat Bath Kit: "So I pulled out an old nasty-looking piece of titanium someone gave me years ago. The difference there was dramatic. The etch is fabulous for reviving titanium that has sat around or gotten discolored in any way. The kit is easy to use and the instructions are clear."
Easy Heat Bath
Since Victory Etch® is designed to be used warm, our Easy Heat Bath makes the task simple and quick, giving you warm etch in about 5 minutes. Contains everything you need to heat Victory Etch® and only takes up one square foot of valuable counter space. Chemical and heat resistant plastics are designed for continued use without worrying about leaks from degradation.
Easy Heat Bath Kit
Contains Water Bath, Etch Bath, Etch Basket, Bath Stand and Heat Mat. Save 10%! *Victory Etch and Fast Read Thermometer sold separately.
Easy Heat Bath Kit $75.16

Replacement Parts
Water Bath (160 oz) $7.40
Etch Bath (85 oz) $5.27
Etch Basket $38.10
Bath Stand $1.87
Heating Mat (max temp 100ËšF) $30.88
Fast Read Thermometer
How do you solve the problem of the thermometer when it comes to etch? You can't use glass because the etch will weaken it causing a potentially dangerous situation if it were to break. You don't want a regular metal thermometer that has to remain in the etch for a long time to read because you can contaminate your etch bath with the residue from the metal probe. Enter the Fast Read Thermometer! Get an accurate digital temperature read in just 2-3 seconds! Just a quick rinse & dry of the probe after use will keep it in working order and not contaminate your bath.
Fast Read Thermometer $14.98